Tuesday, November 17, 2009

¿Qué significan los verbos?

1. Presentar los diferentes tipos de verbos irregulares y sus significados.
2. Analizar los significados de los verbos con traducciones, definiciones, sinónimos y colocaciones.
3. Identificar los verbos y qué significan.

Actividad 1:
Escuchar esta grabación para saber el propósito de esta lección.
Listen to the recording to find out the purpose of this lesson.

Actividad 2:
Hacer el pre-test para ver si ya saben los significados de los verbos nuevos o no.
Do the pre-test to see if you already know the meanings of the new verbs or not.

Actividad 3:
Mirar la presentación powerpoint para aprender los significados de los verbos.
Watch the powerpoint presentation in order to learn the meanings of the verbs.

View more presentations from Emily Lewis.
Actividad 4:
Volver a tomar la prueba para ver si aprendieron los significados de los verbos. Take the quiz again in order to see if you learned the meanings of the verbs.

Actividad 5:
Usar los siguientes sitios para investigar uno o más de los verbos adicionales no estudiados en la presentación powerpoint. Pueden encontrar las traducciones, definiciones y sinónimos en wordreference.com , los usos en contexto (colocaciones) en corpusdelespanol.org y buscar imágenes en flickr.com . Use the sites in order to investigate one or more of the additional verbs that were not studied in the powerpoint. You can find the translations, definitions and synonyms at wordreference.com , the uses in context (colocations) at corpusdelespanol.org and search images on flickr.com .


  1. I like the vocab quiz. It helped to memorize the new vocabs we learned in the class. I would like to repeat doing that till I memorize whole vocabs and meanings... There were some unfamiliar words, I think the reflexive pronouns, but it would be useful if I knew those words so I will try to memorize all of them too.

  2. Sorry, I forgot to post my name. The comment above is by Miho Igarashi.

  3. The quiz on the verbs was useful in helping me to cement the word with the meaning. I really liked that I was able to continue taking the quiz until I felt I was comfortable with the vocabulary.

    -Miranda Cain
    Mon-Thurs 9:10-10 SPA 101

  4. The most helpful thing for me in the lesson was the power point slides. I was able to read the difference between the non reflexive and the reflexive verbs which allowed me to do better on the second quiz. I also thought that the pre test was helpful because it allowed me to see what words I already knew before learning about the new vocab. Therefore I knew which vocab words I needed to put more focus into memorizing.

    -Megan Sutton

  5. I found the lesson and especially the quiz very helpful. I definitely have some questions about the placement of reflexive pronouns as shown on pg 149 in the book though.

    -Kelli Johnson

  6. This is for the reflexive pronouns lesson:

    I liked the quiz because it was very straight forward and it was review for me from what I had learned in high school. The lesson (powerpoint) was nice because it used pictures, therefore it was easy to understand the difference between the meanings.

    -Jordan Hancock

  7. The assaignment was helpful somewhat. It would have been much easier to learn and understand if it was in class. I learn more hearing it than I do with reading.
    -Joe Leech

  8. This lesson was very helpful. I noticed a big difference from when I took the pretest and once I relearned the verbs I did much better on the after test. Overall, it was a great review and it also helped me figure out which verbs I need to spend more time studying.

    -Marissa Gloria

  9. The lesson and powerpoint were very helpful for studying the new verbs. The pretest was nice because you get to evaluate what you already know and what you need to learn.
    Leah Rowland

  10. I really liked the vocab quiz. It helped me to learn the meanings of the words very quickly. It also helped me to see which ones I should spend more time on.

    -Ryan Hensel

  11. I really like having these presentations available for us, as well as taking quized before and after going over the vocab. I think it will help me remember a lot more. A suggestion might be to have a audio file with it so we can hear how to pronounce things properly.
    -Gina Zapparelli

  12. Aaahh Darn, I didn't read through and took both exams and found the lesson. I liked the exam, however I wish the Lesson had an audio attachment. lol. :D

  13. Aaahh Darn, I didnt read through and took both exams and found the lesson. I liked the exam, however I wish the lesson had an audio attachment and perhaps symbols... and the comment above is mine.
